Simultaneous parathyroidectomy corrects the underlying endocrinopathy, thereby improving the outcome of the orthopedicprocedure.
The course of osteomyelitis was favourable in all patients, and only in one case an additional orthopedicprocedure for symphysis fixation was necessary.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of embolism due to direct arterial migration of cement during an orthopedicprocedure.
Diastematomyelia excision was performed before the orthopedicprocedure in 8 patients and at the same anesthetic setting sequentially in 10 patients.
It's processed at TransTissue and then used in dental surgery, neurosurgical procedures and many orthopedicprocedures.
Uso de orthopedic procedures en inglés
It's processed at TransTissue and then used in dental surgery, neurosurgical procedures and many orthopedicprocedures.
Those trials evaluating orthopedicprocedures were excluded.
Interestingly, the prevalence of HO in the elderly population is low despite the high overall occurrence of musculoskeletal injury and orthopedicprocedures.
Without high-margin treatments such as physical therapy, cosmetic surgery and orthopedicprocedures, medical systems are struggling to pay salaries and cover administrative costs.
Three-dimensional computer reconstructions of bony anatomy based on computed tomographic images and radiographs may be used to analyze, simulate, and design certain orthopedicprocedures.
Cement embolism of the pulmonary arteries is a well-known complication of percutaneous vertebroplasty as well as orthopedicprocedures involving instrumentation of the medullary canal.
There are approximately 500 000 postoperative VTE cases annually in the United States and orthopedicprocedures contribute significantly to this incidence.